Archives for July 2013

Protected: Shakeology 10 day Cleanse Recipes

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Shakeology Challenge Meal Plan & Recipes

What Is The Shakeology Challenge ?  The Shakeology Challenge is 7 days to focus on giving your body nutrient rich, calorie restrictive plan that is designed to rid your body of undigested food and toxins, and to help your body run more efficiently.  This will cause you to have more energy, to feel lighter, and lose weight […]

Do I REALLY Have to Drink Water?

Do I REALLY Have to Drink Water? Yes.  You do.  We all know that drinking water is important, but the reasons why are not always so clear.  And with so many other beverages at your finger tips, it’s easy to bypass the plain, boring water unless you really have a buy in as to why […]

A FITspiration Challenge ♥ get FIT…get INSPIRED

A FITSPIRATION CHALLENGE♥ get FIT…get INSPIRED Join our FREE 30 day FITspiration Group I will give you FREE coaching, support & inspiration daily NO gym needed, no dvd, just YOU and your determination! The only commitment from you is to follow the daily task, post that you did it, have a positive attitude, be determined […]

If I skip a few meals, I will lose more weight?!

Is Skipping Meals a Good Idea? We’ve all been taught that in order to lose weight, we have to reduce our calories, and many people try to accomplish this by skipping meals.  It seems like a good idea up front…it’s easy to do, just rush out of the house and skip breakfast or work straight […]

Focus T25 Coach Test Group Results ‘Hall of Fabulous’

This is an amazing group of friends and coaches all that I know personally from our Beachbody Focus T25 Test Group. Coaches, friends and mentors…all of these awesome results took dedication, hard work, perseverance and commitment to our health and fitness.  We plugged in every day to support each other. We received guidelines, tips, tools, […]

Sore Muscles and What To Do About It

Sore Muscles and What To Do About It If you’ve just started a new fitness program or engaged in any physical activity that you aren’t used to doing, you’re probably experiencing some level of sore muscles.  This is a common experience, regardless of your fitness level.  The level of soreness can vary from ‘barely there’ […]

7 day FREE Clean Eating Challenge Group

7 Day SUMMER SLIM DOWN Clean Eating Challenge Group & Accountability…..   I decided I wanted to GIVE YOU SOMETHING for FREE. No commitments from you, EXCEPT that you EAT Clean using my provided Meal Plan or your own Clean eating meal plan everyday, feel better & try! I promise you results. FREE coaching & […]

What is Clean Eating?

What is Clean Eating…is it worth it? I get a lot of confused looks when I mention Clean Eating to people.  I can just imagine what’s going through their heads…”she wants me to wash my food?  Perhaps spray on some kind of cleaner-like windex??”  No, not at all! Clean Eating is simply the idea of eating food […]