Detox Bath Recipe

detoxbath1Detox Bath Instructions

Congratulations on making this commitment to yourself!

Did you wake up today feeling sore, tight, and pain in places you have never felt before?!  

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes a phenomenon of muscle pain, muscle soreness or muscle stiffness that occurs in the day or two after exercise. This muscle soreness is most frequently felt when you begin a new exercise program, change your exercise routine, or dramatically increase the duration or intensity of your exercise routine.

Keep pushing play every day and it will get better as your muscles!

In the meantime…this will help!

This is an excellent complement to your fitness program to relieve sore muscles, reduce inflammation and fluid retention as well as flush out any toxins & lactic acid.

It is also an excellent complement to the Ultimate Reset detox, it will help to further flush the toxins from your system. 

  • Fill bath with hot water
  • Add : 1 cup of Epsom salt;   1 cup of baking soda; 10+ drops of lavender oil ( stir to dissolve well)
  • Soak for 20 minutes
  • Rinse thoroughly and scrub body with a wash cloth or loofah

Can be used as often as needed.

WHY ?? Baking Soda is Calcium Bicarbonate. Calcium and the Magnesium (which is what Epsom Salts are) help each other to get absorbed. They work together and they definitely help detox your body. Your body will absorb magnesium (a mineral most people are deficient in & will uplift your mood) as you soak from the Epsom salts, the baking soda and salts will rejuvenate and exfoliate your skin, and the lavender is an aroma therapeutic way to calm the senses & reduce stress.

Make sure you drink plenty of clean water before, during and after. Your body is trying to heal & detox but if it doesn’t have sufficient clean water the debris will re-deposit – Probably in more obvious ways than before. It’s exactly like washing your clothes. If you don’t rinse them well enough, or if you throw in some dirty clothes towards the end of the wash you don’t expect your clothes to come out clean.

You can do this!

Your Coach, Mary Jane


If you change nothing, nothing will change

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  1. […] a Detox Bath as many times throughout the weeks as you […]

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